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Movsteel - Tranformação de metais


Quality policy

Movsteel interprets Quality as:

  • A long-term process that requires continuous improvement in the effectiveness of the Quality Management System;
  • Leadership capable of motivating all employees;
  • A fundamental principle in compliance with statutory, regulatory and costumer requirements.

In this sense, the company’s Quality Policy focus on providing services with high added value and on the production of small or medium series in metal, wich satisfy the requirements and meet the expectations of customers.
In the exercise of our functions, we have has a guideline the transmission of confidence to the client in our products, services, in our capacity and technical competence, seeking to reach a level of quality that will be able to satisfy the needs and expectations of our costumers and whenever possible exceed them.

To this end, it undertakes to:

  • Comply with the requirements contractually established with the client, obtainig their full satisfaction;
  • To relate to suppliers that make quality service commitments;
  • Ensure the technical competence of employees, through motivation and qualification;
  • Comply with the requirements of QMS ensuring continuous improvement of its effectiveness;
  • Comply with normative, legal and regulatory requirements.


Effective March 24, 2021



Contact information


Nelas Industrial Zone, Lot 52
3520-095 Nelas-Portugal


(+351) 232 944 964 (Chamada para rede fixa nacional)
(+351) 964 704 568 (Chamada para rede móvel nacional)
(+351) 927 532 003 (Chamada para rede móvel nacional)

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